Quaver teachers can manage grades by using the GradeBook feature in Student Admin.
GradeBook Overview #
Use GradeBook to manage assignments after they have been assigned and submitted if required.
Only one class can be viewed at a time in GradeBook. To toggle between classes use the purple dropdown arrow at the top of the screen.
A list of given assignments will appear at the top of the screen with the names of all students in that class on the left.
Click Assignment Filters to show only assignments with specific screens, as shown to the left.
By default, your GradeBook will sort by First, Last name. Click the three white lines next to “First Name” to change the sorting options.
The GradeBook shows eight given assignments at one time. Click the yellow arrows above the purple button to paginate through all of your given assignments.
Adjust or Add a New Assignment #
Adjust an Assignment
Click any assignment name to adjust its Assignment Details.
Use this screen to adjust any details, delete the assignment or reassign the assignment to an entire class or an individual student.
Add a New Assignment
Click the gray +ADD NEW ASSIGNMENT button at the bottom of the screen or select the MENU button.
Adjust the Assignment Details. To load Quaver or Custom Assignments, select MENU and Load Content to view available assignments.
Grade an Assignment #
There are several ways to collect grades for assignments using your GradeBook.
- An assessment that automatically collects a score will show the numbered score in your GradeBook.
- Teachers can click the icon under the assignment and next to the student’s name to score that assignment and review submissions.
The second option is discussed in detail below.
If you have assigned a submittable and gradable resource, there will be an orange checkmark icon under that assignment if the student has made a submission.
Assignment Review
Click the orange icon to open the Assignment Review window.
Here, you can chat with students using the Messaging feature and review and grade their submissions.
If a rubric has been applied to the lesson, the Rubric tab will be available next to the messaging options tabs.
If a student has completed an auto-graded assessment, the grade and answer responses will appear here. Student Recording videos and Creatives screens will also appear when a student has submitted their finished work.
Manually enter grades and select the green SUBMIT GRADE button.
The blue COMMENTS button allows teachers to add notes of an individual student on a specific assignment.
Note: These comments will only appear to the teacher in the GradeBook. Students will not see these Comments.
Teachers can view assessment data by using the graph tool in the bottom left. Click the bar graph icon to view the Grade Distribution and Percent Missed for each assessment question.
Download Your GradeBook #
Click MENU and DOWNLOAD GRADEBOOK to download or print your GradeBook.
A .CSV file or a printout of your GradeBook is available to download.