Student Interactives #
Explore more topics covered in class with your student account through Student Interactives! Practice musical skills and learn something new!
Discover various screens you can use, organized into eight categories. Select from the category list on the left or click the icons in the center. Use the keyword search to find specific interactives you may already know the name of.
Enjoy everything from animated songs, composers, pieces of history and much more! You have unlimited practice opportunities with Student Interactives!
Click Exit to return to your Dashboard.
QuaverBooks #
In QuaverBooks, explore composers and musical styles! After selecting a book, you will notice two versions: Basic and Advanced. The basic version gives a brief overview of the content, while the Advanced version goes into more detail.
After selecting your interactive use the yellow arrow to navigate to the next page or return to the previous page.
Read your book carefully! There are some questions at the end to test your knowledge. These are just for fun and will not be counted for a grade in your teacher’s grade book.
Click Exit to return to your Student Dashboard.